Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday- November 11, 2011


200 Various Abs

Squats 15, 12, 10, 10
Dumbbell Deadlifts 3 x 15
Leg Extension 3 x 15
Calf Raises 3 x 15

Bench Press 3 x 15
Dumbbell Chest Flys 3 x 15
Lat Pulldown 3 x 15
Dumbbell Lawnmower pulls 3 x 15
Lateral Raises 3 x 15
Front Raises 3 x 12


About 1 hr 15 min

-Left early, not feeling great all week
-Didn't swim cause I've had a sty in the corner of my eye all week that hurts and itches. So I've stayed out of the water.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday- November 7, 2011

400 Swim
300 Kick (desc by 100's)

16 x 50
-Odd: Drill @ 1:00
-Even: Swim @ :50

4 x 100 @ 1:40, desc 1-4
2 x 25 FAST @ :30
:30 rest
-odd rounds swim, even pull

1 x 300 SDK on back w/ fins
1 x 200 Pull 2/ FINIS paddles
1 x 200 EZ

4000 SCY
About 1 hr 30 min

-Took a bit longer due to a medical emergency at the pool today. An older gentleman in the wading pool either passed out or had a heart attack. Guards got him, paramedics came and carted him off. He was conscious, so that was good.