Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

400 Swim
300 Pull
200 Kick
100 Drill

5 x 100 @ 2:00
-Hold a strong pace, like 80%

6 x 50 @ :30 rest
-scull down w/ buoy, pull back choice of stroke

10 x 25 w/ fins @ :45
-kick underwater no breather down
-swim good effort back

100 warmdown

2150 SCY
About an hour

-First pool workout in damn near a year!
-Actually felt okay stroke wise, just can't maintain pace
-Held 1:13's on 100's......not bad for being so fat and out of shape....I just didn't want to float up and done so decide to pish JUST a little

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